Sai – Secretaria Executiva de Articulação Internacionais

Estação Verão: Public Security and Foreign Affairs meet with the Argentine Consulate in SC

Photos: SSP Disclosure

Highlights such as Estação Verão (Summer Season operation) and integrated actions were the topics of a meeting between the State Secretariats for Public Security (SSP-SC) and Foreign Affairs (SAI) with the Consulate of Argentina in Florianópolis.

The meeting took place on Friday, 15th, at the Consulate headquarters, and was attended by the Consul of Argentina, Federico Eugenio Costa; the Secretary of Public Security Paulo Cezar Ramos de Oliveira and the Secretary of Foreign Affairs (SAI), Juliano Froehner.

“It was a very productive and pleasant meeting, we made a lot of progress in terms of integrated actions and alignment due to Estação Verão in view of the large number of Argentinian tourists expected in Florianópolis”, highlighted Security Secretary Paulo Cezar Ramos de Oliveira.

Communication channel

The Secretary of Foreign Affairs (SAI), Juliano Froehner, highlighted the formation of a continuous channel of communication with the consul and the deputy consul of Argentina in Florianópolis for the flow of resolution of all items that may arise throughout the Estação Verão and also, from there, for other projects in Santa Catarina in the economic, cultural, social and educational sphere with Argentina.

“It is the realization of a great partnership between the State of Santa Catarina and Argentina to work on security and the attraction of tourists in the Estação Verão operation, which are very important for the entire State”, he summarized. The partnership will also allow, for example, the transfer of information that can be compiled and transmitted to Argentinians when they enter the State by land.