SAI and Univali sign a technical-scientific agreement

The Secretariat of Foreign Affairs (SAI) and the University of Vale do Itajaí (Univali) signed a technical-scientific agreement for the development of actions, programs and joint projects for research activity, extension, culture and technological development, last Thursday (18 ).
According to secretary Juliano Froehner, the agreement also aims to offer unpaid internship vacancies for academics of the international relations course and the development of projects to attract investments and to strengthen the State’s foreign relations.
“The agreement will allow, in a practical way, that academics have direct contact with paradiplomacy and be able to expand their possibilities with the learning of competences inherent to the professional activity. Univali professors will also have the opportunity to coordinate specific projects in SAI’s areas of action, with a focus on the internationalization of Santa Catarina, by attracting private investment and advancing international relations”, explains Professor Rodrigo Milindre Gonzalez.
The signing took place during the Itajaí Comex Summit, an event promoted by the Foreign Trade Center of the Itajaí Business Association (ACII), in partnership with the Federal Revenue Office of Brazil in Itajaí.
Univali’s professor and coordinator of the Export Qualification Program Operational Nucleus (PEIEX), Luiz Felipe Rebello, participated in the panel “Internationalization of companies and business development abroad”, which also had the participation of secretary Juliano Froehner and director from the Father Group, Thiago Raitez. The panel was mediated by Professor Dinorá Eliete Floriani, from the Professional Master’s Program in Management, Internationalization and Logistics at Univali.
Information and photos: Univali