State Government aligned with international business, in Brasilia

The Executive Secretary for International Affairs (SAI) of the State Government, Daniella Abreu, was in Brasília, in January, to open discussions on several international business partnerships for Santa Catarina.
At the Luxembourg Embassy, the discussion was around available credit lines for companies and start ups in Santa Catarina. During the meeting, the Luxembourg ambassador, Carlo Krieger, confirmed that his country is interested in collaboration in finance, space and health. “The ties between Luxembourg and Santa Catarina are already considerably strong due to the European immigration to Brazil during the 19th century. Now, we are moving towards working together in economic development, promoting partnerships that we hope will bear much fruit ”, he said. The economic and commercial attaché of the Embassy, Felipe Diniz, also mentioned the opportunity to engage on their program that provides 30% non-refundable financing for research projects aligned with those carried out in Luxembourg.
At the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), the meeting was held with the representatives of the government agency, Shinji Sato, and Kataoka Ryunosuke, who explained that the organization provides two lines of work: one for technical cooperation and one for finance. On the occasion, they also requested an articulation of the Government with Fiesc (Federation of Industries of the State of Santa Catarina) to discuss a partnership for a business roundtable. In Santa Catarina, JICA has already financed works for Casan (Santa Catarina’s Water and Sanitation Company) and has also done a joint project with SDE (Santa Catarina’s State Secretariat for Sustainable Economic Development) on risk areas, floods and natural disasters.
During the meeting at the Spanish Embassy, the subjects were ports and innovation in agriculture and fishing. Elisa Barahona Nieto, the advisor for these subjects, mentioned that her country has interest in learning about Santa Catarina’s technology for agriculture and family farming. Daniella promptly invited the Spanish representatives to join a mission to the State, in the week of February 22, to visit the State’s ports and the Chapecó region.
At Apex, in a meeting with Augusto Pestana (Business Director), Roberto Cunha (Institutional and Governmental Relations Manager), Roberto Escoto (Investment Manager) and Adalberto Netto (Commercial Manager) Daniella discussed the strategy to promote the investment agency Invest SC, the participation of the State at Expo Dubai 2021and the State’s participation in the BIF – Brazil Investment Forum.