Taking part in an event regarding cities, the governor highlights the competitiveness of entrepreneurs from Santa Catarina

In the 3rd edition of Summit Cidades, which brings together around 5 thousand participants in Centrosul, in Florianópolis, Governor Jorginho Mello highlighted last Monday, 26, the innovative initiatives from Santa Catarina’s entrepreneur and the need to innovate in public management.
“Santa Catarina has a tradition of hosting great and quality events. I have no doubt that this meeting of mayors, with the support of our Ciasc, of Fecam, all of this will give new ideas to the municipalities. Technology has arrived and society demands new ways of management. For this reason, indeed, we created a secretariat specialized in technology and innovation, with a manager chosen by Acate. We are an entrepreneur state, we generate jobs, we are a state that delivers”, said the governor.
Jorginho spoke about the role of Santa Catarina on the national scene, in the presence of the Minister of Transport, Renan Filho, who participated in the opening. “We need help from the federal government and we need to pass the tax reform. “We are going to release the handbrake of the Brazilian entrepreneur so that he can grow”, he said.
The president of Acate, Iomani Engelmann, highlighted the Government’s support for the development of innovation. “We have more than 10,000 open positions in the technology and innovation sector, and this transformation begins in the municipalities with the State help”, he said.
Foreign Affairs presents panel
On the first day of the Summit, the Secretariat of Foreign Affairs represented the State Government on the panel “Brazil – Texan Chamber presents opportunities for attracting new investments according to the American cities way. Case of Brownsville”.
“We presented SC’s potential to the public attending the event and reinforced the reason that makes the State a national reference in entrepreneurship, innovation and technology”, informed SAI’s Institutional Relations manager, Fernanda Muniz.
Innovation in the public sector
Ciasc (Center for Informatics and Automation of the State of Santa Catarina) has a stand at the event with technological and innovative solutions for municipalities, such as stable wireless connection service, digital conversion platforms, monitoring systems with real-time protection against viruses and cyber threats.
The Secretary of State for Science, Technology and Innovation, Marcelo Fett, will give a presentation on Digital Transformation for cities and will talk about the Secretariat’s agenda, created during Jorginho Mello’s management to give prominence to the sector. “Events like this are a great opportunity to give visibility to initiatives in the municipalities of Santa Catarina in the area of technology and innovation, as well as for participants to exchange experiences and learn from successful cases presented during the program. Santa Catarina is one of the most innovative states in Brazil and we can evolve even further in the use of technology in the development of cities.”
The Secretariat of Finance and the State Comptroller General participate in panels on innovation in public management. The finance auditor Graziela Luiza Meincheim and the tax auditor Renato Lacerda participate in the Treasury Department. She talks about the Citizen Balance and Renato participates in the Smart Cities and Investment Attraction panel for the region.
Text: Secom/SAI
Photo: Ricardo Wolffenbüttel/Secom